Help! Just need to get this off my chest!

I feel like I can be open here! I have such a strong urge to become pregnant!! I’ve always dreamt about it -literally- my dreams are so so vivid and diverse! I can be breastfeeding, giving actual birth, in labor, or just holding the baby in my arms. But lately it’s been more than just dreams! Every time I open my phone to go on social media I see pregnancy ads, videos, and different people I know getting pregnant. Even though I’m so happy for them I get a little sad and wish I was too! Im 25, with a masters degree, getting my doctorate degree now, and in a serious relationship but I know right now is not the right time. I am leaving it up to God and I know when he believes is the right time it will happen... but I can’t get over this urge that I have! I just wanna be a mommy so bad, is this normal?! I cant be the only one! 😓🥺