Genetic screening question


Wait. Did everyone have basic genetic screening during their infertility process and treatment or at least get an option to?

I did all of my iuis, clomid rounds, hsg, ect with my obgyn fertility coordinator. I was never given an option. Then when I asked about it after I had my early loss after my first <a href="">iui</a>, my coordinator told me that they don't even offer it unless someone has a specific genetic condition or unless they have had at least 4 consecutive losses. But when my husband went to see the urologist for the first time they immediately went a did a test on him and said it was part of the basic blood work that they do whether you are looking for something specific or not.

Since I've joined this I've read that many of you have had that test done regardless if you were looking for something or if you had previous losses.

My <a href="">ivf</a> consult is Thursday. This is my first time with an RE. Should I ask and push to get it done since we gave ruled out my husband being a carrier to anything?