4 Blastocysts, none normal on PGT

Sal • One 💙, one 👼🏻, one 🌈 🎀, by ovulation induction after 2 failed IVF cycles 🤯 | Hypothyroidism & lean pcos 🤨

Hi ladies,

Well, I was gutted to learn today from PGT results that all 4 of my Day 5 blastocysts are aneuploid - none normal to freeze or transfer - even the two grades highly at A/A. I am 33 years old with PCOS and controlled hypothyroidism, and I have one son via ovulation induction/ timed intercourse, born when I was 31. Does anyone know from their healthcare providers what can cause you to have so many abnormal blasts? I thought it was usually maternal age but that shouldn’t quite be my issue yet. Any thoughts? Thank you!

I’ll add - for anyone in the fence about the cost fir PGT, wow am I glad that I did it! That was 4 miscarriages or failed transfers I avoided...