C section dressing and Baby Routine question!


It’s been almost 3 weeks (by Tuesday) since I’ve had my little one, Noah. My C Section was pretty straight forward and the recovery is going better than expected other than the first time I had to walk (blacked out two times in a row) and since being released, I’ve barely had any pain or problems whatsoever. My question is: the hyperfix tape keeps coming off every few days it’s been on or mainly after the first shower after changing it at the hospital. And there’s some sort of leaking (I don’t know how to explain it? Oozing?) where it makes the area of my scar wet and it has a horrible odour to it 😅 should I just leave the tape off now? And just put some kind of padding over it to try keep it dry? I really don’t want to keep going to the hospital here to replace the tape, I already feel anxious going out with a baby atm 😅 what can I do to keep it clean and dry?

And for baby routine, I’m not sure if I should try and keep him up to introduce some play time? At almost 3 weeks old, surely it’s alright to wait until he’s older and a bit more active? I feel bad for some reason reading up on other comments. Noah wakes up, I change him, feed him (he has really long feeds, EBF) then he might rest a little before he wants a feed again and/ or when his tummy starts getting upset, so I’d feed him again to sleep (pretty much the only way to get him to sleep, putting him down on his own sometimes works if he wakes up when being put down) then he will sleep for around 2 hours and then it’s repeat. Is the routine I’m doing in completely fine?

He’s been having trouble with his tummy being gassy, still does lots of poops and farts which is good, but it just makes him unsettled when he sleeps which is why I also think is the reason he mainly wakes up from. Is there anything else I can do to help reduce his gas problems? I give him belly massages and bicycle legs which helps get his farts out and sometimes poop (he poops when he eats)

Picture of my little cutie 🥰