Hello, thank you and questions!!

Leah • Fire wife, mommy of 3 😍
Hello! Thank you to whoever added me! Already read through a lot and it's so encouraging that it's possible to make it and other women are going through and feel the same way I do!
I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant with our 2nd baby. Diagnosed with IC at 17 weeks, cerclage was put in 2 days later and I was put on bed rest. My cervix held between 2.3-1.8 cm, until this week when it nose-dived to 1.0 and 50% effaced. I'm nervous but trying to stay positive. 13 days until 30 weeks, so that's my next goal! 
It makes me feel much better that at this stage with my first, I was already 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced, no cerclage. She stayed in until 37 weeks. So we're much better off this go round!