Baby fell from 7ft. He’s ok, but man was that scary


Sorry guys, just need to release what happened.

He fell from a play structure. He landed on a very padded floor. No injuries. He’s able to walk around, move all his body parts. I also called the advice nurse to verify with them any concerns and they said he sounds ok. I’ll probably take him in to see a doctor soon just as a breather.

What happened was he was at the lower part of the play structure and ran very fast to the highest part. I was on the ground. I thought he would go down the slide. There are 3 openings, the slide, an open area to get down by bars, and a circled netted area. He went to the netted area and leaned against a pole with his foot dangling and him standing. I told him no, and to go down the slide, getting fiercer in my tone. But he just kept smiling. I didn’t go in the netted tunnel because I wasn’t sure if I could get him in time or if he would fall the other side. Well, he leaned too far and fell, hitting the netted tunnel 3x before landing on his side. I think he hit his head last. It all happened so fast. Of course he cried and I can hear the other parents whispering “that poor child”. I’m focusing on getting him to the car but mid stopped to see how he was. He could stand and just held his head a little. I got him in the car seat then drove home and called the advise nurse.

He’s doing ok now. It’s been about 3 hours since it happened, and he’s going to bed for the night. If he’s acting like he has a stiff neck or anything we’ll taken him to urgent care.