Confusion with ovulation..


Beginner at ttc and have previously never charted or taken notice of my cycle.

Im currently at 6dpo (I think - I used a digital OPK) but I'm experiencing the same symptoms as I did throughout my ovulation. Ive still got the cramps, the bloating, the fatigue, the backaches and light headedness. I've got a new found case of urinary frequency. My cm went from watery preovulation to EWCM during ovulation. After ovulation I had watery cm now back to EWCM... and lots of it.

On a side note - my urine is abit on the strong side 😅 (TMI I know!)

So how does this whole ovulation thing work?

Also is it normal to have "high fertility" as it shows on the DigiOKP for 8 days then "peak fertility" for 2 days?

So confused 😞