Little Monkey in the House

Ashley • Boy Mom 💙 Dog Mom 🐶🐶

When my son was a newborn, my husband and I started making animal sounds to go along with the toys on his bouncy chair. One of the toys is a monkey. I would say about a month ago, my son started imitating us and making monkey noises occasionally. Now he makes them regularly. We hear him making monkey noises in his crib when he wakes up from a nap, when he is done breast feeding, and of course when we play. Just last week, he also started shrieking and screaming in delight when we're playing or if he is just in a happy mood. My husband likes to say he is finding his voice. I told him we had a little monkey in the house before, but now we have a howler monkey too 😂🥰 Any other January babies starting to find their voice? What noises are they making? Any words or sounds that are similar to words yet? I'd love to hear where my son's fellow January babies are as we enter this next stage in development and things continue to be more fun!