Boyfriend personality

My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and I feel like the relationship is kind of blah or getting to the place. Our sex has been great but just hanging out together feels different and like he is harder to read.

He’s always been sweet to me, nice, caring a gentlemen, and we’ve always had a good time together. Recently though there are some things I’ve been thinking about.

It kind of bothers me how he doesn’t have a picture of us on Facebook. I know social media isn’t a big deal but it would make my day if he he just posted a picture of us together and wrote a cute caption.

He isn’t the nicest to his mom. They have a weird relationship where he will make fun of his mom along with his siblings and that’s just how they talk to eachother. That is one of the hardest things for me in our relationship and we have had several talks about it.

He’s grown kind of distant in a way. He kind of seems like he’s bored with the relationship or not really trying as hard as he used to. We have this thing where we both pay for things, when we go out we take turns paying the Bill for food. Recently he bought a house and I bought some paint for the house and he let me pay for jt. I offered to be nice, but I didn’t think he would let me pay for it. He makes a lot more money than I do and I do pay for a lot of things in our relationship. I don’t expect him to pay for everything but it kind of threw me off guard.

It seems like he’s just kind of comfortable and not really trying any more. I know I need to talk to him about this. We have plans to move in together and my brain is all for the big move but my heart is kind of just like ehhhh. Any advice?