Co parenting help!

You guys I am struggling!!! My daughter is smart and seems to do normal things a smart baby does. Throw fits when she doesn’t get her way, throw things when she doesn’t want something, favorite word “no” when she’s tired. (Normal toddler things) her dad is NOT having it. Literally (to me) treats her like crap because she’s “always being a baby” “her attitude is so bad” etc. I tell him I’m not worried about it she’s just a baby and he says “see that’s why she’s a baby because you let her”. I am always trying my BEST to correct her when she is acting out. I am always stressing about being a good mom and his attitude towards her being a normal toddler is not helping at all.

He has another daughter that’s a half sister to my daughter and she wasn’t a “cry baby” or doesn’t have an “attitude” like his other daughter did at this age. He’s always telling me that she’s definitely going to be the “bad child”.

He watches her on Sunday for me for a couple of hours while I work a part time job and this past Sunday when I went to pick her up I noticed she pooped and I asked if he could change her before we go and like a normal toddler she did NOT want to get her diaper changed and he literally yanked the sippy cup from her hands and threw it across the room because she was acting like that. He’s so quick to anger with her. That’s why I just can not let her stay the night. I would be up all night wondering if he’s being mean to her.

Like today she fell and started crying and he was laughing at her and mocking her because “she’s not a baby, she doesn’t need to be crying”

Since she’s been able to express her emotions through tantrums and eye rolls and “no’s”, it’s like he can’t love her until she has the perfect attitude. I feel like he also compares her attitude with her half sisters attitude because she “doesn’t cry”, or have an “attitude” (she’s 8 months older)

I also notice he micromanages everything she does. Like almost anything she doesn’t isn’t right to him.

I. Do. Not. Know. What. To. Do.

I need words of encouragement because this isn’t okay to me. We’ve talked about it, but he just doesn’t see it the way I see it.

I’m really feeling like I don’t even want her around him. I don’t want her feel like she isn’t enough. But I know it’s important to have that relationship. But even when I drop her off now she never wants to see him and when she was a baby she was always excited to see him.

Sorry this is long but I just need some advise, words of encouragement, literally ANYTHING.