My boyfriend's mom got deported...

My boyfriend is staying with me and my parents because his mom is getting deported back to Honduras. She came to America because she was running away from a severely abusive and he was concieved by rape. His father and his father's family pretty much said they were gonna kill her and him once the baby is born so she came here. Last night he got a call from an private number and it was his mom. He put her on speaker and I spoke to her to. She told him that she loves him and she's sorry she can't be there anymore and to finish school and go to college and do everything she ever wanted for him. He started crying but she told him to stop crying and it's gonna be ok. He told her to plz try to come back and she told him that may not be possible at least for a long time and told him he needs to be strong and move on without her. Then she told me "You're a good girl. Plz take care of my son." She sounded like she wanted to cry but was being strong. She told us "Incase this is the last time we ever hear from each other again.. I love you. So much." He told her not to say that but she said she had to go a hung up. He completely fell apart. So bad I couldn't even help him and my mom had to step in. Idk how to help. This situation is so much bigger than me and idk how to be there for him. My mom was able to eventually calm him down. I just hate I can't even help my own boyfriend but my mom is able to.