Anyone else play Gremlin or Kiddo?


Anyone else wondering where their sweet adorable well behaved child went? My kiddo turned two and every day is a roll of the dice since then if we are getting our kiddo or a gremlin that someone fed after midnight lol. I can honestly say I have met my match with my oldest son. He seems to know my weakness is lack of sleep with a newborn and he is taking advantage of my Achilles.

Biggest melt downs of today is I wouldn't let him push the swing his brother was sleeping in. I wouldn't let him throw his open faced cup of milk at me at dinner. Followed by I wouldn't read him another bedtime story (after reading 3.)

How are yall doing? Isn't this just so much fun lol. Here is a picture of my sweet boy deciding to sneak a bite of my lemons as I was making lemonade 🍋🤣.