Husbands bizarre new friendship

Husband and I have been married seven years and been together for 10 years. We have three kids together.

We have a great marriage and get along great as friends as well as a married couple. We’ve never had any real issues until recently. My husband is a major social butterfly and always has been. I, on the other hand, am introverted and don’t mind just staying home and watching the kids play in the yard on a Friday night as opposed to big nights out with friends. Although my husband is a social butterfly he has a very abrasive personality and can be very overbearing and bossy in friendships and as a result of this he only has one close friend left that he barely sees since we moved a couple of hours away from our home town. When we first moved six months ago, my husband met a guy at his new job and would go and hang out over at this guys place after work a few nights a week to work on project cars etc. The friend lives on a big property with slot of land and allows a homeless gentleman to live in his yard for $60 a month. The homeless man has built a shack out of scrap metal and lives way back in the back of the property.

Because of my husbands personality, as I recently mentioned, the friend he made at work is no longer wanting to hang out with my husband very much anymore. He makes you excuses, is always busy etc and I’m assuming he wanted my husband to take the hint but he didn’t. My husband wasn’t taking the hint at all after months of this so I let him down gently one night and told him maybe the guy just isn’t interested in being friends anymore, After thinking about it he agreed and I thought he let it go. But no. Now my husband goes over to this guys house every single night of the week to hang out with the 65 year old homeless man who lives on the ex friends property. They text, they hang out every free minute they get, he makes excuses to go over there etc but he never wants to explicitly say he’s hanging out with this man. I’m friends with the ex friends wife and she texted me and told me that was what was happening. Tonight I asked him where he was going and he said he was going over to help the ex friend work on his car (my husband is a mechanic) but when he went to shower I saw the text come across his phone from the homeless man asking when he was coming over and to bring him Diet Coke and that he got wood for a fire 😳 I know this isn’t another woman and is definitely the homeless man. My husband is 30 and this man is 65, I have no idea what they could possibly have in common. I’m basically getting no help from my husband at home or help with our kids (who are all under 5) at the moment because every spare minute he has he’s with this man. We spend almost no time together as a couple either. Would you be weirded out by this? Am I overthinking it? I’m assuming he’s lying because he’s embarrassed to say where he’s going or who he’s with but I think the amount of time they’re spending together is excessive when he has a family at home. I don’t know what to think. Opinions would be appreciated.