Light bleeding


So yesterday evening, I had the smallest amount of brown blood when wiping only. I hadn’t had sex or done anything physical.

I did have sex last night (after seeing the brown blood) & now waking up this morning, there was the smallest amount of brown blood again when wiping again & a super small amount of light pink/red colored blood only when wiping.

I do know bleeding in early pregnancy is common. This is my 2nd pregnancy and during my 1st, I did have some light bleeding and would call my doctor every time it happened. The first time I called, I went in & they checked me and everything was fine. After that, they would always tell me it’s normal & just to let them know if it got heavier and/or with cramps.

So I’m debating that it’s not a big deal & I should only call if it gets heavy & I get cramps?

I took a test yesterday after seeing the first small amount of brown blood (because I was just a bit paranoid) and it was still definitely positive. I still have my pregnancy symptoms (sore boobs & acne that I normally don’t get).

I just want opinions if you think that’s fine? If I’m okay not to call unless it gets worse? I’m 5 weeks based off LMP so i haven’t had my 1st appt yet. That’ll be when I’m 7 weeks.