People think I'm trying to take the kids because he's cheating

My ex is locked away in a mental hospital rn. And yes I was the one who reported it to have it done and his cousin has been telling people I did it because I'm bitter he cheated. No! He stopped seeing the kids for a while and I found out why when my sister sent me a screen recording of my ex's lives on Instagram. He had one where he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger enough for it to click but not enough for it to go off and started talking about how it would be so cool to just pull it a little farther and blow his brains out. Then he got a box cutter and carved Sam's slut into his arm and started laughing about how he got raped when he was 13 by his dad's best friend Sam and he can't wash him away no matter how hot the water is so he's his slut now. It just gets worse. He said he's Sam's worthless whore all while cutting up his other arm. Then he played Russian Roulette to see if he gets to live that night. It was all so disturbing so yes I reported it. He has a hold on him and they are gonna see if he needs to be admitted. I didn't do this to take my kids away from their father, I did it so they CAN HAVE A FATHER!!! His cousin started saying how women with postpartum depression get to keep their kids but a father struggling gets locked away. First off, if my postpartum depression is SO bad that I'm putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger half way I would HOPE someone would intervene, get my kids, and get me help. There's depression, which from what I've seen isn't enough to get your kids taken away whether it's postpartum or just depression. Then there's having a full psychotic break down which I feel postpartum or not would get ANYONES kids taken away. I'm not trying to keep his kids from him. If anything I'm having my oldest draw a picture for him and the baby is gonna add a foot print. I want their father to be in their life and see them grow up which is why I did this. His mother even agreed with me that he needs to go get help for whatever is going on.