My boyfriend was raped

My boyfriend told me news this past week that absolutely broke me. Last week we went to hang out with some of his friends at a bar, we both had some drinks and I decided I wanted to go home but my boyfriend went to another bar with his friends, which was fine with me. He came home the drunkest I’ve ever seen him though. Apparently they went to a strip club, which is fine, and his friends bought him a dance, which is fine. The stripper scratched the living hell out of his back, like huge bruises in a scratch mark. This pissed me off, but they would go away.

But, he sat me down Thursday and told me that he had 8+ drinks that night, and some girl took him home with her and raped him. I am crushed for him. I know it’s not an excuse either, we’ve been happily dating and he would never cheat on me. He is getting tested for everything, but he asked me not to tell anyone we know, which is okay. But I just need to get this off if my chest. I am so hurt for him, and I want to scream at the girl who thought it would be okay to take advantage of a man. I just need advice and comfort , I guess. I know this is something he will probably never get over, but how can I best support him? I’ve been trying to get him to go talk to a therapist but he is declining it saying he just wants to forget, but he is have panic attacks every night now since telling me.