Wives of husband's with anxiety

Looking for some advice from wives whose husband's have anxiety. I'm wondering how you all handle certain situations.

About 5 months ago my husband decided he didn't see a difference on anxiety medication and weaned himself off of it.

We recently just had our second baby in the last 8 weeks and the amount of anxiety attacks is getting to a point it is breaking me. He wants to do things like go to a carnival and once he is there it starts. Between having a toddler a newborn and him I am spread thin and now it isn't enjoyable for me. I have been noticing him drinking more and I have pointed it out to him but I am also seeing correlation between his racing heart he is and the alcohol consumption. He is overwhelmed by the kids. I can't leave him with them or ask to much of him and it turns into this massive fight. I have a teething 2 year old and a newborn and I am up all night and day and I am run down. I am always the bad guy because either he feels guilty by his inadequate mindset by me doing everything or by me pointing out what he can be doing.

I love my husband and think he is great man. Just I think with the birth of our newest and shift in me not having as much energy and time I can't cater to him. I am not enjoying our time together I am walking on egg shells. I also need his help and I am running on empty. I am snapping more on him now too.

Sleep deprivation is really affecting me and my ability to care about how he feels all the time. It sounds so cruel but it's truthful because I am bouncing between a teething 2 year old and newborn all night and he will tell me he is exhausted after 14 hours of straight sleep I just don't care. He will spend time away from home and then come home and babies are crying and I am overwhelmed and he will get mad at me for him feeling guilty just because he didn't come home to a peaceful situation. I missing my partner and my equal.

I am having to leave the kids with him tomorrow for a few hours to work on a fundraiser and I am already worried. I never get away and haven't been away for more then hour since the baby was born because his anxiety. I am just so tired. Any advice?