When did you know it was time ?

We sadly lost our dog in February unexpectedly. She was older bit we never knew her real age since she was adopted and she was in great health according to a recent vet visit, then one day she became extremely sick and turns out she had a undetected tumor burst and we had to put her to sleep. It was very sudden and unexpected and of course we were heartbroken.

That was in February so it's been a few months now but I still don't feel ready to even think about getting another dog. My son is almost 3 and he has asked about the dog and told me he misses her since it all happened. My husband wants to get another dog but I'm not ready at all. I had a family member chime in and say I was an asshole for not immediately getting a new dog for my son and still not being ready just a few short months later.

Am I wrong for not wanting another dog yet ? How do you come to the decision when one person is ready and the other isn't ? And how did you know it was time ?