High risk and very worried


So I am diabetic and my diabetes doesn't really give me all the issues I don't take medication for it it's just diet and exercise control but whenever I get pregnant I end up having to take shots I'm only 8 weeks and 5 days with what I'm praying to be my second baby but actually my fourth pregnancy. My first pregnancy ended in an atopic my second pregnancy gave me my son who's now three I got pregnant in August of 20 19 only to miscarry and now I'm pregnant again I've heard my baby's heartbeat which took tremendous amount of partial to me however I'm still constantly nervous because of covid I can't go to the hospital as much as I did with my first son and everyday I fight the urge to get up and walk into the ER to get sonogram done my switch doctors to a higher profile doctor and it takes me two and a half hours to travel to her office but I'm willing to do so just to make sure that this baby is okay. Because my usual doctor still hasn't even scheduled me for my first sonogram whereas I'm actually heading in for my second sonogram in a week. I'm extremely nervous to the point where I don't know what to do with myself I'm not supposed to have certain food because they raise my blood sugar but they're also Source Comfort I'm having a lot of nausea which I did not have with my sun which is also making me extremely nervous do you have to stick to a very strict diet and exercise and Insulin regimen all of this is taking very strong emotional toll on me and sometimes I really don't know what to do the doctor says if my insulin levels rise or my blood sugar is not under control I may have to spend a week or two in the hospital just to make sure everything is well control before they release me I can't really afford to do that my husband works 12-hour shifts a day 5 days a week so it's just me and my son for most of the time so if I go into the hospital I don't know what would happen to him so I'm trying my best and this is just adding stress on top of it I have to succeed in what I'm doing for not only this baby but realistically for my entire family