- [ ] 16

- [ ] 89

- [ ] 201

- [ ] 536

- [ ] 3000

- [ ] 20,775

- [ ] 18,381


i was 5w6d when i experienced my first scare. ive been on progesterone,estriadol,and baby aspirin since day 1. one day i wiped and i saw pink spotting and panicked. my husband took me to the ER and they measured the baby WRONG (said i was like 4 days behind when i wasn’t) and did lab work-HCG WAS 20,775. THE BABY HAD NO FETAL POLE/ HEART RATE EITHER!!!!

2 days later i followed up at my clinic and i got my first ultrasound done where they allowed me to see the baby. they said the baby was fine and did lab work there too. 2 days after this, i get my lab work back and my HCG decreased by 2,394!!!!!! i was freaking out and panicking.. the clinic couldn’t get me in for another week. so stupidly i turned to the internet and apps. i convinced my self i had lost the baby and that it was a waiting game. i have felt no symptoms this pregnancy, no pain , occasional cramps that don’t last long, little nausea/no vomiting, no tender boobes just darkened nipples maybe by a shade. ive felt normal. not to mention i have pcos so im shocked im even pregnant! i got pregnant 2 weeks after my cyst aspiration.

then i finally got into the doctor a week later and the baby measured right on time with a strong heartbeat of 145, a closed cervix. no bleeds or hemorrhages. hcg is not EVERYTHING in a pregnancy, yes it is very important but as my doctor put it “once we confirm the pregnancy is in the uterus , ultrasound is what we rely on not lab numbers that can change and fluctuate... we see this happen every day.“ don’t let tragic stories become your story. there are happy endings sometimes! keep faith ladies. im 7 weeks now🖤🌈