UPDATE: WTF Aquadoula


Some of you may have seen my post earlier about setting up our Aquadoula (given to us by our midwife) and finding out that it was covered in blood and bio waste from its last use. Y’all... I really can’t believe this shit.

After the immediate shock of the situation wore off, I’m obviously SUPER disgusted but still trying to be understanding as if this was some really unfortunate honest mistake. I emailed our midwife (yes - the midwife who dropped the tub off at our house is THE midwife who would be delivering our first baby) and was super nice about it even though I had a billion not so nice things I wanted to say. I told her that there was still blood from the last use on the liner, and asked if she had a different liner, or if she would please sanitize the tub before our birth. Super understanding, not accusing her of being nasty or negligent or anything.

She responds a few hours later, and says “It isn’t dried blood.... it’s a rust stain that won’t come off.... I have tried to remove it.... I spray the liner with Cavicide and wipe it down between client uses.” GUYS. It’s fucking raised chunks of blood and bio waste. Just to be sure I wasn’t magically and easily removing a tough rust stain with rubbing alcohol, I put gloves on, wet a paper towel with water and a tiny bit of castile bar soap, and gently scrubbed a spot of this “rust stain.” Lo and behold, it came clean off with minimal effort.

So this midwife is a huge disgusting negligent liar. We’re trying to figure out our next steps, but I am NOT comfortable having someone who is this careless AND comfortable lying to us delivering our baby. Can’t believe we’re finding this out at 37+3 🤦🏻‍♀️

I am beyond repulsed and can’t wait to get this nasty biohazard out of my house ASAP. Mom and husband and telling me to sleep on it, but I’m definitely firing the shit out of the midwife.