Baby sucking on everything! Help!


6/3/21 My 4 month old is sucking on everything he can grab, that includes fingers. I don’t mind him sucking on mine and his dads, because we know if they’re clean or not and if not, we immediately stop and wash our hands before we continue. And I always ensure that our fingernails do not go into his mouth. But my concern now is that other people want to put their fingers in his mouth because they see us doing it. Other people meaning other family members. I don’t know how to tell them not to do this—why isn’t it common sense?? My father in law just had his NOSE in my baby’s mouth. 🤮🤮🤮 I want to puke. My baby sucking on anyone’s nose, even mine, is gross. Your nose has pores full of gunk, and nostrils full of boogers, and baby’s can suck hard and clean out your pores/nose. I’m so grossed out but I always feel like a mute when they do something I don’t like, like I can’t say anything and to get them to stop. I feel like screaming inside. Put yourself in your baby’s shoes—you have zero control over what goes into your mouth and suddenly you’re sucking someone’s nose or fingers that you don’t know where they’ve been. Or chin, I know some people shove a chin in baby’s mouth. Is anyone else dealing with this and if so, how are you handling it? Does it really matter or am I just being overly protective?