Does this seem normal?

My daughters daycare sends her home for literally anything. I understand the pandemic and everything but she is 15 months old and is teething. She’s often fussy because of getting her molars right now. I started a new job two weeks ago and I’ve had to miss 2 days and leave early 3 days because they make me come get her. Today was because she had one diarrhea diaper. Since shesbeen home she’s had no diarrhea, only solid poops. And whenever her temp goes over 98 they make me come get her. She’s teething so she does get random low grade fever because of this. I can’t keep missing work just because of teething symptoms. I even went to the dr and had them “diagnose” her with teething but they still send her home over every little thing. Does this seem normal? Sometimes I get the feeling they just don’t wanna deal with her because she’s fussy over teething. It’s embarrassing at my new job to have to leave all the time because of this.