He has ED and I’m pregnant


So, my fiancé has ED and struggles getting it up on his own so of course, I’m more than happy to stimulate him as much as he needs and give no second thought about it. I am pregnant (I know, in the middle of ED? Crazy.) and his drive just plummeted. I know he’s stressed and that also has effect on his drive but he won’t go to his doctor to get hormones or anything checked out.

My drive is crazy through the roof and we communicate our feelings very often about my drive and his depletion of drive. But lately, my esteem has been so bad. None of my clothes fit, I never have energy to do my hair or makeup and I usually take pride in my appearance. He had never once asked me for sex, I always have to initiate it and it makes me feel like I’m unwanted in that way. I let him know that I know he loves me and adores our baby but I feel so unwanted in that way. He listened to my concerns but just brushed it off. I can understand if it is embarrassing for him and I always validate how he’s feeling and tell him that I appreciate everything he does regardless of his issue. I just don’t know what to do. I’m so tired of my vibrator. I want my fiancé and that connection and intimacy with him like we had before his drive went down.

Sex is my outlet and my only safe one since alcohol and smoking is out of the question now. I’m not sure how to even go about resolving this

Any suggestions?