Controlling Anxiety???


So, my graduation is coming up soon, and the thought of going back is really stressing me out. As the lockdown/quarantine continued, my social anxiety just got worse when I went out anywhere. Now, I'll need to go to school for a couple days for rehearsal, seeing a bunch of people I haven't in over a year, and it's safe to say I am PANICKING.

Realistically, I know it's not a big deal and no one will care that much. But there's that not-so-little voice in the back of my mind saying I'll fuck everything up. Like I have no idea where the classrooms are, I don't know anyone in the classes I have, but that group of really mean, "popular" kids are in almost all my classes.

Anytime I even think of going, I feel like all the air left my lungs and I can't get it back. Even while writing this, I'm panicking.

Are there any good methods to hype myself up, and/or staying calm while at school? Imma post this in other groups, but I really need help! 😥