I don’t think my baby is growing


At my son’s 4 month appointment they noticed he had only gained a pound in two months so we set a plan to feed him more and then scheduled a weight check. Well I decided to check on my scale at home how much he weighs after 2 weeks of increased feeding and he’s lost two pounds. After the doctor’s appointment I check if he weighed the same on our scale and he weighed the exact same. He went from 12.6lbs to 10.6lbs.

I’m so worried he’s not growing as he should. I don’t know if my milk is lacking nutrients or if he’s not nursing as well as it seems. When we give him a bottle of breast milk he’ll drink 4oz and if he drinks anymore then that he’ll spit up, even if we burp him during feedings.

What are someways I can help my little guy gain weight? I just want him to be healthy