Second baby? Need advice.

My husband and I are thinking about when to have a second baby. Our son is turning one in a couple weeks and we are thinking about when to start trying again. We want our children close in age so we would ideally like to start within the next 6 months but our dilemma is that my husband is a full time college student. He will be graduating in about a year and a half, so by the time we want to start trying and then the baby being born - it would be right in the middle of his last semester. I work full time and am the financial support of the family until my husband graduates, so if I had a baby next fall we would be living off of savings for a couple months until my husband graduates. We have the savings to do so, but I don’t want to get comfortable relying on our savings. We would rather have a baby in the fall than the spring because we have so many spring birthdays in our family, which is why we don’t want to wait additional time to start trying. If we shoot for trying after he graduates and also trying for a fall baby my first son would be 3-1/2 ish when baby #2 would be born.... thoughts? 😂 I know financially what is smarter but my heart wants another thing 🤷🏻‍♀️