UPDATE ADDED - Sorry me again 😣😣



Long story short

My little boy is 2 weeks old.

Firstly we had a latching issue but that is no longer the case.

He's feeding well but lost again since his last weigh. Still within his 10% though.

He's giving plenty of wet Nappies minimum of 6 a day.

Struggling for dirty Nappies even though he farts alot (Dr's in the morning)

He was weighed before and after a feed and he did gain so we know he's definitely getting milk.

I offer both sides per feeding.

He is content after his feeds. He relaxes his fists once he's finished his feed

He feeds alot more than 8 times in 24hrs as he clusters from 7pm. (Attached photo of his feeding chart the yellow bars are each time he feeds)

He's a sicky baby also which doesn't help

I've been using lactation cookies and now awaiting to hear off a lactation consultantant.

I'm eating proper meals and making sure I drink plenty or water, I've restricted my caffeine intact and I also feed on demand.

Is there any possible cause for his weight loss?

I'm literally at a dead end now I don't want to give up feeding but I also don't want him to keep losing weight.

He's being reweighed on Friday 11/6/21



I have a dip in my milk or low supply. Basically he was starving so his body was using what ever he was taking out of each breast and storing it or vomiting it hence why no dirty Nappies.

The lactation consultant was absolutely no use.

I had a phone call from a breast feeding support worker from the hospital and she requested I go see her to check he has a good latch and positioning. I got to her within half a hour.

She was happy with the latch and positioning so once he had a feed she put me on a pump for 5 mins each side and I literally only produced 10ml between the 2 breasts and he only fed off one side before I was put on the pump.

Shebtold me he was starving and he drunk the 10ml expressed plus 15ml of formula on top.

She recommended that I feed off both sides and then pump every 2 hours, feed him the expressed then top up with formula.

As you can guess this is exhausting and he finally gave me a dirty nappy this morning as a result of the formula as I'm not even getting 1oz between both breasts every 2 hours. So I'm in 2 minds about just switching to just formula as hes waking up for a feed every 2.5 hours and my body just isn't making enough for his feeds.

I was the same with My daughter also who's 1yo. Wasn't producing enough and I pumped milk for her and only was able to offer her 1 6oz bottle of breast milk a day and it was tedious just pumping for that little per day. I power pumped, made my own lactation muffins / cookies and it didn't help then either.

So while I've typed this I've decided I would rather enjoy his newborn stage knowing he's 100% getting the milk he needs 😊. It's a very hard decision and quite heart wrenching that I can't supply him with what he needs but he needs to be fed and that's what I intend to continue doing with formula.

Thank you all for your advice hopefully he'll continue with the dirty Nappies and start gaining his weight back.

I wish you all, all the best on your breastfeeding journeys x