Mil issues

I’m starting to get really really annoyed.

My baby is only 9 weeks old and all my mil does is complain when I say no to her seeing him.

But she DOES see him. We go there once a week for dinner. And then other random times in between so she sees him twice a week at least.

But then she’ll call and be like can you bring him over and I say no and she cracks it and complains about me to my husband and acts as if I’m not sharing him.

Today my husband called to go collect something from their house and they said can you bring him because his granny was there and I said no because he is really unsettled today and just want me to hold hun and feed him. And they cracked it and started asking how often my mum sees him and why am I keeping him from them.. but they saw him two days ago and we were going there tomorrow night and they are babysitting him this Saturday night..

my mum sees him once a week - once a fortnight, so less than them

It’s like they honestly forget what it’s like to be a new mum. He wakes every two hours throughout the night for a feed. I don’t get much sleep. If I don’t want to take him out anywhere or have visitors, theres nothing wrong with that.

I’m doing what’s best for me and him.

And my husbands always saying “but he is the only good thing in their life and his dad is dying”

But that’s not my problem. I shouldn’t have to drop everything to make them happy.

I’m over being made out to be the bad guy. The more they have been acting this way towards me the more I keeping saying no because now I don’t even want to be around them

Am I so horrible ?

This has all honestly just made my postpartum life so so much harder.