Anyone have advice?


Okay so Im not sure because I ordered ovulation tests and they didn’t come in in time so I’m waiting to use them next month. But anyway I tracked ovulation by the app and my cm and my body/mood changes. I think I may have ovulated about a day or two after the app said. Me and my husband did it every other day and I done everything to try and get pregnant lol. Legs up and everything (I know they say it probably doesn’t help, but it won’t hurt). Little disclaimer too, I’m 19 and just got my Kyleena iud out may the 17th, the doctor said i should be extremely fertile for next few months because of my age and the iud. Today I should be 10-11dpo. But on June 12th (today June 15th) I started lightly spotting. I thought it was implantation bleeding at first. I spotted all day very light pink and not a lot. Until that night I wiped and a lot of thick dark red blood was there. The next day same thing. Except i had a little clotting too. I was bleeding straight through regular sized tampons and had to wear supers(which I never can wear). But stopped bleeding June 14th and haven’t bled since. So my period only lasted barely two days and was super early! I’m not suppose to start until the 18th. My periods have never been extremely off cycle. It’ll only be a day or two early or late sometimes but never more than that. I’m super confused on what could’ve happened and what’s going on. What do you think? Any advice? I know I’m out this month I’m just worried if something could be wrong and idk the signs. Thank you in advance! ❤️