Do you get EWCM when it’s not around the time of ovulation? *update*

Okay this may be a dumb tmi question but I been looking for an answer for a few days and can’t find one.

My question is Do you get Egg White stretchy CM when it’s NOT around ovulation?

Like say if your turned on does that also produce EWCM?

I haven’t produced CM for along time - lost weight and starting drinking water and now it’s back yayyyy

I track ovulation with OPKs and have been for like 5 years now but this last cycle was a little weird and didn’t stress too much about tracking. Almost got a positive around normal time (hadn’t got CM yet)

So I noticed I’m getting more CM and it’s EWCM so I take a opk -negative and very light like normal when it’s not around ovulation- and I should be starting my period any second. (Fingers crossed because I want to ttc this cycle)

I guess im just curious if this is normal to get it if your turned on or does the CM look different if your turned on?

sorry about the TMI question.

*update* you ladies were right guess I ovulated way later then normal because I took an opk because of dull cramps and was positive. Need to start temping this next cycle! Thank you guys. Guess I have to wait till next month to try. *ughhh* that’s okay I feel positive about this next cycle!!