Breaking my Heart

4 years this month TTC our 2nd (son was 3 months old) and my toddler is breaking my heart. I thought negative pregnancy tests and not knowing why I'm having 60+ day cycles was the hard part. Hearing my son ask for a baby of our own after I babysat a relatives 3-4 month old last week is even worse. Every day "Mama? I want a baby too. I want a brother or sister" is just absolutely killing me inside.... I feel like a triple failure now. Failure not just as a woman and wife but now as a mother not able to give my son the sibling he wants....

Edit: I've going to the obgyn for testing and treatments since March. They tested my blood sugar, insulin, as well as thyroid levels. The results showed I have insulin resistance and I've been on 2000mg of metformin since April. I'm still highly irregular and don't think I'm ovulating (all opks have been negative) She doesn't want to see me again until August which I'm not ok with since I'm obviously wanting to conceive asap. She didn't even do an ultrasound to see how my ovaries are and has dragged all this out imo. My very first appointment she seemed determined to put me on Metformin before even testing and even said that would be her solution even if my insulin was ok. After a rough experience with my first obgyn I was hoping for better this time around.