Reaction to baby oatmeal?


So, before I ask, I would like to state that my child has severe reflux and I was given the okay by his pediatrician to try out rice/oatmeal cereal to see if it helps with reflux! ❤️

Lastnight, we tried out oatmeal cereal and it went great. More went on him than in him of course lol.

So this morning we have it a try again to see if he’s more of a morning or night eater. He enjoys it more in the evening come to find out. So, he went down for his morning nap about 30 mins later and he woke up about an hour later and this rash popped up on one side of his face!

I don’t know if it’s a drool rash, a reaction to the oatmeal, or a reaction to something else! I’ve messaged doctor already, waitin on response at the moment.

I put some aquafor on it and it’s already going away.

What do you guys think?