This EBF night shift mama needs help


I could really use some advice and suggestions. My baby boy "B" turns 3 months old in a couple days and this mama has returned to work. I work part time on night shift, 2 days a week working 12 hour shifts 7pm- 7:30am. I EBF but I do occasionally pump and we try to give 1 bottle a day. Never had a problem with B taking a bottle but he strongly prefers the boob.

We are having a heck of a time with B overnight. Our typical night is: feed, down to sleep 5 hours, feed, sleep 3 hours, feed, sleep 3 hours. I went back to work for one night so far and it did not go well. He was up every 2-3 hours and there was lots of crying.

Tonight my husband tried to bottle feed and put B to bed. B would sleep for a few minutes and then cry really hard and was very difficult to console. We did this for 45 mins until I finally just gave him the boob to calm him down and he's been sleeping a couple hours since then.

Has anyone encountered this when having to go back to work even when a partner is the caregiver? Any suggestions on how to make this transition any easier and the nights go more smoothly? Would really appreciate any help!