It has been really hard trying to be mom and provider at times but I will never give up


I am 28 yrs old and 15 weeks and 4 days this will be my fourth child 2019 and 2020 I gave birth to two beautiful little girls now the third year in a row I will be having another beautiful little girl. no, this was not part of my plan but God had other plans for me it has been really hard trying to be mom and provider at times but I will never give up. i moved to Minnesota at the beginning of this year looking for a new beginning for me and my girl when i moved here is when i found out I was pregnant thinking that i was on birth control to find out my IUD had fallen out i was totally not ready my baby was only four months old when i found out i was pregnant again ( not including myself I will soon have four different personalities running around my home) but I'm happy to say that I am at ease with this pregnancy now.

Me nd this child's father we are together but he is currently locked up and seems like I will be going thru this pregnancy alone as well I prayed this time would be different but maybe not so dar all my pregnancies have been high risk

Pre-clamp Sia has been part of my pregnancies since my first child it has been really hard for me to work a full-time job cuz most days my body just shuts down but ik I have to keep going even when it's not healthy for me to do so I now have four little ladies looking up to me to make sure they are happy safe nd loved nd i can't let them down. This will be my child with a different letter for the first name my older three girls names start with Z gotta pick a different but unique name if anyone know of any lmk thanks