How does your baby “demand” to be nursed?


I am having trouble breastfeeding my 12 week old. She has never shown hunger cues. I make sure to offer her to nurse at least every 3 hours (she’s not gaining a lot of weight) or sooner. I have found us falling into the routine of wake, feed, active time, sleep so sometimes it’s only 2.5 hours til she eats again. It has been working but recently she’s fussy when trying to nurse. As soon as I put her in the position she screams or latches for a few and then fusses. I’m so stressed out trying to make sure she eats which I know does not help things at all. I’m getting the feeling she’s not hungry when we try and then she just gets small amounts and never a full feeding. She also seems so easily distracted now too. She’s only gained about 2 pounds since birth. She has lots of wet/soaked diapers everyday and in very happy, active, alert but I just wish I could be confident that she is gaining and healthy.

What are your routines or how does your baby show they are hungry?