This may be a silly question but

I been lifting weights for about 3 weeks now. I know I’m lifting enough because I’m getting weak by the end of my reps which is what I read (let me know if that’s wrong).

I doing what my dr suggested but I haven’t lost any weight. Which is fine. Just curious if this is normal and give the weights more time. Or just give in and add cardio. Lol

My heart is always beating after and I’m lightly sweaty if that helps 😅

Also I’m on the high end of overweight and I have noticed myself getting a very little bit more toned.

I did measure myself but it was last week so that was my bad. I want to say I look smaller but that could be just because I feel better since lifting. Lol

I eat good not perfect but I’m slowly improving/learning all the time. Maybe that’s what I need to focus more on but I was just trying not to over stress about it. When I do I tend to fail.

Any advice/ suggestions would be nice.