Feeling the demon inside

Alyssa • Mommy of my beautiful Toni René & William James

This is my second pregnancy but my boyfriends first kid. This little boy has been rolling around to the point of making me sick but not enough to feel him on the outside. I really wanted my man to be able to feel what he help make and what I’ve been having to deal with. Well for some reason, this kid feels like he set up a roller coaster inside me today so I finally was able to have my man feel him. Well right after he felt the little guy move, I laughed. My boyfriend then told me “you’re not allowed to laugh, I can’t feel him then. You’re fired!” I laughed even harder and said “Oh? Does that mean you’re finally gonna take over and finish making him.” That’s when he gave me the same answer he always does when I ask him that “NO!” 😂😂😂