Painful sex


For as long as I can remember, sex has, for the most part, stung. Usually it starts about midway through, and then slowly increases. So, by the time I’m ready to finish/finishing, the “fun” is kind of sucked out of it. Then after, when ever my boyfriend pulls out the stinging reaches it’s peaking point. I know sex isn’t supposed to hurt, but I always thought that was normal until someone pointed out it’s not. I have an immense fear of hospitals and testing for anything, so does anyone have any idea what could be going on? Or has anyone else gone through the same thing?

The stinging is usually around the outside or opening of my vagina, if that makes sense. And the stinging gets worse when I pee right after sex. (I read somewhere that you’re supposed to, to avoid infection). At first I thought it could be some type of STD, but it doesn’t happen during fingering or any other type of foreplay. And I have no issue or pain when inserting a tampon.