Help! Constant clogged duct on both breasts!!


Posting everywhere I can. So I had my first clog 3days ago randomly even though I pump every 2/3 hours a it was a small one and didn’t hurt and I got rid of it by pumping. Then the next night, I skipped two pumps in a row (my overnight) ones because I was so tired I didn’t hear my alarm. Well when I woke up both breasts were hard as rocks and I was in immense pain. I tried vibration, hot shower, massage and nothing was getting the clogs out. I even tried pumping because that’s apparently what you are suppposed to do to get the milk out and relieve the clogs, but when I put the pump on my breasts they were so hard they wouldn’t stick to the pump. And even when I held it in place I got a few drops. So I’m not emptying anything out and this is getting worse!!!! What the heck am I supposed to do? I take sunflower lechtin, massage, vibration, nothing is getting the milk to flow out. What the hell am I supposed to do!!!! My baby needs my milk :(