Onto 2nd Transfer


Hi all. Wasn’t sure if I’d be joining this group, but saw my doctor today and it looks like I might sneak in a 2nd FET before the end of August. My first FET in June failed to implant and today I went in for another trial transfer because as my doctor said “my transfer was more difficult than most” and he wanted to find a better catheter to use and he did! He says once I get my period in a few weeks I’ll start my protocol and will likely do transfer last week of August.

In the meantime I’m going to enjoy a month off of meds, focus on a consistent workout routine, have a few beverages & enjoy a trip to Belize with my husband! I hope all are doing well wherever you are in your cycle. Any tips for a 2nd FET after a failed first? Appreciate any tips from y’all ♥️✨