

My now 21 month old has always been slow to warm up to strangers. I always figured it was a phase and normal developmentally. She just turned 21 months and she is still so shy around new people or any stranger, especially men. For example, if we are on a walk and we run into the neighbors she will right away turn her head away and try to hide usually in my legs or behind me. If it's just a woman she will usually warm up after like 5 mins but with men it can take like 30 mins and she even then will act weird after.. Not being get usual silly self but rather cautious. Is this normal? Are you Oct babies similar? We are always out and about and I do try to go on many play dates to socialize her but nothing seems to help. She is also in daycare and is totally fine there.. I just see some of the neighbors kids and they are always so friendly and don't act this way at all so I wonder..