TTC Emotional Support


Chulita ☀️😇💗

I have PCOS & am TTC for baby #1. I took provera this month and just finished my last Clomid pill.. will be doing an ultrasound Friday to see if it worked (for ovulation). Would love to connect with others going along the same path.. current people in my life just don’t get what I’m going through and I always feel like it’s TMI if I bring the topic up. Anyone on a similar journey want to be TTC buddies!!? 🤗

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Posted at
I just went to the fertility specialist today and he prescribed be chlomid. I start next month! I’m so anxious!


Mercedes • Jul 27, 2021
Please let me know how things work out! We can be Clomid buddies!


Chulita ☀️😇💗 • Jul 15, 2021
That’s so exciting! Wishing you the best! I finished my last pill a couple days ago and have been taking fertility tests to see if there’s any surge… so far nothing but I get a sonogram today that will give me more info on how it worked/is working


Posted at
Hey there! I am actually about to start Provera this month and my doctor prescribed Femara (I may have spelled that wrong) instead of Clomid. I’m nervous but excited to see if it works!


Chulita ☀️😇💗 • Jul 14, 2021
That’s exciting! Sent you a follow! Also happy to connect on Twitter or IG if you’d like 🤗