ERA test question

Janelle • 👩‍👩‍👦🏳️‍🌈wife carried our son on IUI #1 👶🏻 #2 3IUI ❌ 1 chemical FET#1 chemical FET#2 ✅ I carried our daughter 5 embabies ❄️

Hey ladies. Can you all tell me about how your ERA test went. My doctor is recommending I do one since I had a chemical on FET#1 with a PGT embryo.

My doctor said it could tell us if we transferred to early or to late, if I had to much or not enough progesterone, if I have uterine infection, or if I have silent endometriosis. She said it gives answers for 1 in 6 women. She also recommended that I lose weight because BMI can effect the outcome of a transfer.

Please give me advise based on your experience. Also is it painful?