Just because it's not racist..

Laura 🔬🔭
This is something I've noticed that many people do, in trying to convey that they are inclusive of all people:
"Black people are so beautiful and nice I love black people"
"Hispanics are so giving and generous!"
"Asian people are so smart and talented" 
No, these statements are not racist, in fact they are compliments, which is why it may seem endearing at first. But here's the problem. Racism stems from MASSIVE generalizations. Racist sentiments are about literally every person of a specific race, even if it's several millions and or billions of people. These statements are EXACTLY the same. Is every single black person beautiful and nice? Is every Hispanic generous? Is every Asian smart? 
Making inclusive statements about millions and/or billions of people may not necessarily be "racist" but it's still completely ignorant. 
So, rather than thinking about people as belonging to one race/gender/religion etc, how about we think about people as individuals rather than representative of a massive group of people? 
Generalizations of any kind perpetuate the sentiment of division between people. Which is exactly the problem. 
People are completely missing the point of this. I'm not offended by generalizations. I don't really care. They are just so blatantly IGNORANT and generalizations of any kind reinforce this ignorance. Instead of viewing people as a representative in ANY way of their race, sex, religion, or otherwise, why not view people as individuals? Ignorance is the problem.