Anyone used Vitex? Please share experience!


Hi name is Tanya and I am 28 years old. Me and my husband have just started TTC over the last few months. Our situation has been made a bit more complicated by the fact that my husband had a vasectomy maybe 5 years ago and just got it reversed Oct 2020. We haven't had much luck so far (obviously) and it's quite disappointing. I normally have a pretty regular cycle (7 day period every 24-25 days) but since June 22 2021 I have been taking Vitex 1000mg once a day (Thompsons Brand). Now my period is 2 days late. I haven't been feeling any different but I have been sick with a cold for the last couple of days (passed on from my kids LOL). My nips have been a bit sore and I have been having on again off again cramps. I haven't broken out with pimples this cycle which is great and no mood swings or other PMS symptoms but I haven't really started my period either. During the waiting time I had way more cervical mucus than usual which was also amazing and we ended up doing it waaaay more often than usual (also good). I'm just a bit worried I guess that I tried to fix something that potentially wasn't broken because now it's thrown my cycle out of whack or I'm pregnant (which I find really hard to believe). I'm just not that lucky. Anyways sorry for the giant post. But anyone else out there on vitex? Please tell me is this normal? Thanks