
Yesterday I woke up feeling súper itchy ( hands, arms,thighs,back,head,back) very unbearable. I went to the doctor and they gave me medication to treat allergic reactions. I went home took a shower and the itchiness seemed to have stopped. However, when I went to sleep and woke up the next morning ( today) It started once again. I thought maybe it was my bed ( budbugs?!) so I went to rinse my body with water and avoided being near my bed the whole day. and yup no itchiness throughout the rest of the day. however to my surprise these red spots started appearing and disappearing out of nowhere. they are not itchy nor have any texture. it’s as if someone wrote on me with a red marker.

the first two pictures show how severe the itchiness was that I left my body looking like this.

these next pictures show the red spots that started appearing as of today. they have no texture to them.

I have been taking acne treatment for 20 days now, so I doubt the medication is a contributor to this reaction or I would have shown any allergic reaction since the first dose. and i only apply the topical lotions to my face ( areas affected) if anything, It has actually been improving my skin and I had been feeling perfectly fine

I have decided not to come into contact with my bedding like I haven’t throughout today and will be sleeping in my living room to see if I wake up itchy tomorrow.

If this persists I will be going to the doctor again. I have a history of allergic reactions but it has been about 10 years since the last “outbreak”, ( which was worse, my body would swell up) and I got tested for allergies and turns out i wasn’t allergic to anything which is weird?!

any thoughts?