Trigger Shot Help


Hi ladies!

I had <a href="">IUI</a> (my 3rd) on 7/7 trigger shot on 7/5. I know the trigger could be still in my system but… could it really make my first response be this dark?!? The top FR test is 2 days old which would have been 9 days past trigger and 7 DPO. The bottom is today (an hour ago), 11 day past trigger and 9 DPO. It’s darker right?? I’m scared the trigger could still be in my system but I just don’t know how it could be this dark. My LH is also up and it’s showing high now where it was low a couple days ago. Thoughts? Can I be excited? I also added my trigger shot test outs where it looks like HCG was leaving my system and now it’s coming back 🤞✨