
A few years back I was dating this guy and it was fun for a while. He started to pressure me into things and would send me pictures or videos of him touching himself. Even in class he would masturbate just by looking at me and them finish and try to make me clean it but I didn’t want to so he rubbed it on me. One day we went a a road trip and I was in the back of the car with him. I was laying down on his lap because I tend to get car sick and I was tired. He put his hand down my jeans and fingered me, I tried to make him stop without making a scene because I didn’t want to ruin the trip but he didn’t until I finally got him to stop. I opened up to my mom about this but she tells me that it wasn’t rape or sexual assault. I’m at the point where I don’t know what to call it. By the way, we weren’t dating when I told my mom.