In laws

My in laws are bizarre. I've always had my issues with them that I didn't let bother me. A couple weeks ago my husband was hit by a car while cycling. Thank god he came out unscathed. I was at work so he called his mom to give him a ride home. In return his parents just yelled at him for not filing a police report. He had the drivers information but didn't think it was necessary since he was ok and she wasn't contesting anything. My husband ended up getting upset and yelling at his parents about how he didn't understand why nothing he ever does is good enough. Result? His parents refused to come over for the thanksgiving dinner we made just for them and told my husband they don't see the point in seeing him if he feels like they weren't perfect parents. It's ridiculous and my husband is letting it tear him down. He tried calling his mom and she just told him it made no sense because his father was perfect and they never bring up "his terrible mistakes." I don't understand how a parent could act like that. I know, not pregnancy related, but it's pissing me off.